Read here for a helpful guide to Christian boarding schools in Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska. If you are seeking treatment or a higher level program for your child, one of these schools might be the right step for your family.

What is a Christian Boarding School?
Christian boarding schools offer the opportunity for children, teenagers and young adults to live full-time at the school they choose to attend.
Most commonly, parents self-pay for their child’s tuition, plus room and board, because most Christian boarding schools are private schools and are not state funded. However, there are several schools that are non-profit, and fees are greatly reduced because of donations and fundraising. Several schools provide grants or scholarships, too.
While not all the fees will be covered, some CBSs work with you so that your insurance covers some of the cost of medical or mental health care at the school.
Not all CSBs but the majority, offer programs that are typical of a therapeutic boarding school that helps children with mental health or behavioral issues. Check out our guide on therapeutic boarding schools and how to choose the best one for your youth to make sure you know what to look for when examining each of these schools to see if they are the right fit for your family.
The schools in this list are Christian because they teach or were founded on Biblical principles. Students do not need to be Christian or practice a specific Christian denomination in order to attend the school.
If you are in need of a Biblical residential program for your child, consider one of these schools.
Listings are for information purposes and do not imply a recommendation.
Colorado Christian Boarding Schools
Below is a listing of Christian boarding schools in Colorado. Click here for a complete list of therapeutic boarding schools in Colorado.
Lost and Found in Morrison
Lost and Found Inc. offers residential treatment options for both adolescent males (ages 12-18) and young women (ages 12-18).They are committed to to helping young people who have a history of living in some of the most restrictive settings to transition back into the most normal setting possible with as much consistency as possible.
The young men’s facility is located in Morrison, 35 miles southwest of Denver, and provides treatment for chemical dependency, and other mental, emotional and behavioral addictions. The average stay is six months in the therapeutic community setting, although a 45 to 90-day “fast-track” program is also available to those who qualify.
The young women’s residential treatment center provides each woman with individual treatment and service planning with specialized services to address the following: trauma, grief, and loss issues, sexual abuse and reactivity, emotional/behavioral disorders, substance abuse, and/or mental health concerns.
Their treatment services address the problems young men and women are facing and help them become equipped to move into society with the tools necessary to be productive, creative and resourceful.
In addition to providing ongoing intensive therapy, Lost and Found can assist each resident with furthering their education by providing an on-grounds school, complete with educational testing and special education services.
For more information, contact Lost and Found at (303) 420-8080 ext. 2 or on their website.
El Pueblo Boy’s & Girl’s Ranch, Inc. in El Pueblo (Closed as of 2023)
This facility is closed after a Child Protective Services investigation.
Teen Challenge Rocky Mountains in Denver and Olathe
Teen Challenge of the Rocky Mountains (180 Ministries) operates two residential programs for adult (age 18 and over) men, adult women, and adult women with children with substance abuse and addiction problems.
Teen Challenge believes it is possible for people to achieve sobriety and become engaged individuals, who can be thriving members of their families, their community and their country. They have seen that there is healing available from drug and alcohol addiction dependence.
For more information, contact Teen Challenge of Denver at 303-985-1776 or on their website.
Mountain State Children’s Home in Longmont
Mountain States Children’s Home (MSCH) is licensed to care for children as young as 3 years old up to 17 years old, however, children who reside at their facility are typically are between the ages of 12–17. Children may come from abusive environments where they experienced neglect or trauma.
MSCH offers a model of care that is more comprehensive than what stand-alone counseling services, typical group homes, or even many foster or kindred care homes can provide.
Children with the following diagnoses may be considered for admission:
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Mood Disorders
- Mild Attachment issues
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Depression/Anxiety
- delinquency issues
- school issues
- children who have been neglected or abused
Housing at MSCH is based on a family model of care where a house mother and father, along with their biological children, live with six placed children in a loving and nurturing home environment.
The school’s goal is for children to learn Godly character traits that are necessary for a successful future such as loving others, treating others as they would like to be treated, dependability, forgiveness, gratefulness, honor, humility, obedience, responsibility, respect, self-control, truthfulness, and wisdom.
Mountain States Children’s Home will accept children regardless of their ability to pay.
For more information, contact Mountain State Children’s Home at (303) 776-6841 or on their website.
National Benevolent Association (NBA) Colorado Christian Home in Denver
NBA Colorado Christian Home provides 24-hour intensive residential care, as well as day treatment, special education, and home/community-based services for approximately 150 children and their families.
Children with severe behavioral and mental health problems, along with educational delays, are the primary client population. Many struggle with trauma and co-occurring conditions such as a learning disability, anxiety, depression, and other behavioral difficulties that make it hard for them to learn in school.
The families of these children have experienced or are experiencing extreme trauma, physical and/or sexual abuse, mental illness, substance abuse, or extreme poverty, and/or homelessness.
For more information, contact NBA Colorado Christian Home at (303) 433-2541 or on their website.
Kansas Christian Boarding Schools
Here is a listing of the Christian boarding schools of Kansas. Click here for a complete list of therapeutic boarding schools in Kansas.
Heart of America (Teen Challenge) Male Residence in Baldwin City
Heart of America – Teen Challenge offers faith-based recovery services. The Baldwin campus offers a 1-year treatment program to help with substance abuse recovery through their long-term residential services. The Heart of America Teen Challenge is a men’s only, Christian-based, drug and alcohol addiction.
The program is very affordable or free to those in real need. All are long duration residential rehabs, and all operate as strictly Christian programs of addiction recovery. No one will be turned away for financial reasons.
For more information, contact Teen Challenge Baldwin City at (785) 594-3069 or on their website.
Maur Hill Prep School in Atchison
Maur Hill–Mount Academy is a coed Catholic, college prep, boarding high school accepting students in grades 9-12. They offer both a 5-day and 7-day boarding option for students. Students are prepared for college and life via a well-rounded and rigorous curriculum. In addition to standard grade-level courses, they offer honors, Advanced Placement, college-credit courses, and electives.
Maur Hill has two residence halls: Howard Hall for girls and St. Leo for the boys. Both have two floors with community bathrooms on each floor. Students also have access to a common lounge and a fully stocked kitchen.
How much does Maur Hill cost? 7-Day Boarding annual tuition starts at $32,500 plus miscellaneous fees. (Inquire with the school for 5-day tuition rates.) Their admissions office offers the opportunity to apply for scholarships and financial aid.
For more information, contact Maur Hill Prep School at (913) 367-5482 or on their website.
Nebraska Christian Boarding Schools
Below you will find a listing of the Christian boarding schools in Nebraska.
Villa Marie Home and School for Exceptional Children in Waverly
Villa Marie Home and School for Exceptional Children provides provides a loving, home-like atmosphere for both day students and boarders in need of special education services. This includes residential placement and schooling for students with Downs Syndrome, Developmental Delays, Autism, and other health related challenges.
The school accepts students ages 6 through 18, but no new students over the age of 16 will be admitted. Each student is required to have an IEP and not require a one on one individual instructor.
The Marian Sisters and Villa Marie Staff provide 24 hour supervision for children with special needs and all teachers are certified in Special Education.
Student capacity is 24. Students reside at the school and return home over the weekend, for holiday vacations, and during the summer.
Villa Marie students have the option to participate in Special Olympics. Currently they are
involved in basketball (3-on-3 team and individual skills), track and field, and bowling.
For more information, contact Villa Marie School at (402) 786-3625 or on their website.
Do you have any more information about any of these schools, or know of one we might have missed? Feel free to leave a comment or contact us at [email protected].
Click here for a free PDF printable checklist of the 7 steps to take when your child needs residential treatment.
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