Below are listings for Christian Boarding Schools in Georgia for your child, teen, or young adult.

What are Christian Boarding Schools?
Christian boarding schools typically offer programs that allow a child or adolescent to attend their treatment program and live at the school they attend.
It is most common for the parents or guardians to self-pay for the student’s tuition plus room and board because most Christian boarding schools (CSBs) are private schools without state funding.
Some schools offer reduced fees because of donations or grants. Most schools provide some financial assistance, whether scholarships, grants, or payment programs.
Your insurance may cover some of the cost of medical or mental health care at the school.
The majority of CBSs are a type of therapeutic boarding school that helps children with mental health or behavioral issues.
Check out this information for therapeutic boarding schools and how to choose the best one for your youth so the school you choose is the right fit for your child.
These schools were founded on concepts from the Bible. With rare exceptions, students do not need to be Christian to attend these schools.
If you are looking for a residential program that provides the Christian support your teen or young adult requires, consider one of these schools.
Listings are for information purposes and do not imply a recommendation.
Listing of Christian Boarding Schools of Georgia
Below is a description of the Christian boarding schools in Georgia. For more options, click here for all therapeutic boarding schools in Georgia.
Listings are for information purposes and do not imply a recommendation.
Broken Shackle Ranch in Davisboro
Broken Shackle Ranch is a Christian-based residential program for young men ages 16 & over. They accept students from the following sources:
- The Georgia Department of Family & Children Services (DFCS)
- The Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ)
- Youth who are voluntary placements once the state releases them from custody
- Youth from families who desire their child to attend
The program is committed to helping at-risk young men mature emotionally, academically, spiritually, and vocationally. Potential students must be open to the therapeutic, spiritual, and educational opportunities that are offered and be willing to apply lessons learned.
The Broken Shackle Ranch program includes academic education, vocational training in five trades, recreational activities, and spiritual guidance.
Private pay for the program costs an average of $4,000 per month, per student.
Broken Shackle suggests you attempt to have your youth placed through the state of Georgia via the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) or the Department of Family & Children Services (DFCS) if funding is an issue.
Find out more by calling (478) 331-6555 or checking out their website.
Christian City Home for Children in Union City
Christian City Children’s Village is a not-for-profit program that provides a residential program for children ages 5 to 17 years old who are victims of abuse, abandonment, or neglect. Christian City is open to all people regardless of their faith.
Children typically have the following common behavioral and emotional challenges:
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- aggressive behaviors both verbal and physical
- depression
- anxiety
- bipolar disorder
- anger management
- cutting or self-harm
- intellectual disabilities (ID)
- history of suicidal tendencies
- history of drug and alcohol addiction
Referrals for Christian City Children’s Village come from multiple places including community partnerships with churches, schools, therapists, concerned family members, and the Department of Family and Children Services.
Families whose children are in the program are expected to participate in therapy, visitation, and recommended training. Families will be required to provide documents regarding their financial status and an agreed-upon amount will be determined for the youth to receive program services. Children’s Village does not deny services based on financial limitations.
Find out more by calling (770) 964-3309 or checking out their website.
Eagle Ranch in Chestnut Mountain
Eagle Ranch offers a long-term residential program where boys and girls ages 8 to 15 years old spend 24 months (2 years) living in a therapeutic environment.
The goal is to challenge each child in every area of life including spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social, and physical.
Families are required to participate in counseling, parent groups and other activities to help their children heal and gain skills to make life better. Children go home every other weekend, on holidays, and on school vacations. This provides an opportunity for the family to practice what they are learning through the program.
Eagle Ranch does not accept students who have a history of sexual offending behavior or sexual perpetration, or active suicidal or homicidal threats.
No family will be been turned away because of finances. Eagle Ranch is able to acknowledge household resources as well as other financial obligations and then determine a fee the family can afford. Typically, no family pays the full cost of the program.
Find out more by calling (770) 967-8500 or checking out their website.
Georgia Baptist Children’s Home – Locations throughout Georgia
Georgia Baptist Children’s Home is a ministry of services designed to promote the spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of children, youth, and families.
Most children referred to the school come from difficult backgrounds and circumstances that have left a negative impression resulting in behavioral issues. The programs are designed to give each child a specialized plan of care to meet individualized needs.
There are several locations in Georgia that cater to different circumstances. All are dedicated to improving the support, assistance, and growth of children with disabilities or behavioral and emotional issues.
Programs offered are:
- Kids with Special Needs that includes a 5-day overnight camp as well as weekend camp experiences.
- Residential Care Homes serving children of all backgrounds and needs. Residential Care Homes are located in Carrollton, Newnan, Baxley, and Palmetto Georgia.
- Good Shepherd Center located in Warm Springs, Georgia, for adolescent boys involved with the juvenile justice system. The program provides a unique, farm-based treatment program where each resident is responsible for the care of a farm animal.
Find out more by calling (770) 463-3344 or checking out their website.
Hephzibah in Macon
Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia took over the Hephzibah facility, and then it was closed in 2018.
Teen Challenge Programs – Georgia
You can find out more about Teen Challenge Georgia International and all they offer on their website, or by reaching out to (678) 526-8640.
Teen Challenge Southeast Region Columbus Women’s Home
Columbus Women’s Home is a low-cost, Christian-focused rehab for adult females. The program is for women only and is available to individuals of all ethnicities. The average time in the program is one year.
Columbus Women’s Rehab teaches each resident responsibility, work ethic, and pride in work. They work to instill truthfulness in each individual, which is the cornerstone of all relationships.
Find out more by calling (706) 507-3705 or checking out their website.
Middle Georgia Teen Challenge in Dublin
The Georgia Men’s Rehab is a long-term (1 year) faith-based drug and alcohol treatment program that specializes in providing treatment to men, aged 18 and older, through day-to-day structure, community, and a faith emphasis.
They offer a way for residents to discover recovery tools based on Biblical principles. Each program participant learns how to turn to God, be honest with himself, experience inner healing, and learn to develop healthy relationships that will enrich their life.
Find out more by calling (478) 984-5252 or checking out their website.
Pine Mountain Boy’s Academy in Meansville
Pine Mountain Academy (formerly Prayer Mountain Boys Academy) is a year-round boarding school for adolescent boys ages 12-17 who have been struggling with life-impacting behaviors, rebellion, academic failure, or careless attitudes.
The program offers 24/7 care, coaching, and counseling with the overall goal of helping each boy prepare in all areas of his life for a productive and fulfilling future.
Boys are required to work through the Teen Challenge discipleship curriculum as part of the program requirements.
Pine Mountain has a supportive relationship with a local church, which supports the work and ministry of Pine Mountain and also provides a church home. Boys and staff attend services and participate in mission projects.
Find out more by calling (706) 601-0871 or checking out their website.
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Click here for a free PDF printable checklist of the 7 steps to take when your child needs residential treatment.
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